Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Let it Go*
With so much to do in a seemingly short amount of time, it is easy to get absorbed by the stresses and anxieties that come with the holiday season. Which is why it is important to set time aside in the interests of your personal health. Here are some of the ways I keep myself healthy and thriving during finals week, holiday shopping, and new years’ resolutions:
1)     Induge in afternoon Tea: Science has finally proved what my grandma has known for years – that tea is a miracle worker for the body. Experiment with new refreshing flavors of tea and let the flavors dissipate your stress and ground you in the present moment. Sip sip sip
2)     Try something new: Engage your body in a new, fun, physical activity to stimulate your brain and relieve stress. I am a Yoga fanatic, but a lot of my friends prefer cycling, zumba, and hiking. 
3)      Invest in new scents: You may have heard the phrase “you are who you surround yourself with”, but you are also what you surround yourself with. It is important to maintain a living environment that reflects your ideal state of mind. A quick and easy way to accomplish this is by investing in a new scent, such as a new perfume, body wash, and candles. You’d be surprised how your body reacts to a new invigorating scent.